Har vært kunde lenge, men helt siden obos kom inn i bildet så har de blitt kjipe as.. konto ble sperra med en gang etter feillevering selv om appen sa den var levert. Ingen tidligere prikker.. God pris for det da, men aldri sykler der man trenger det, alltid fullt der man trenger å parkere, alltid problemer med parkering ifølge flere gamle brukere. Pluss de nye syklene er sykt tunge å sykle?? Oslo er nesten bare oppover og nedover bakker.. Kjøp heller en sparkesykkel.
The app is fine. But the service is not reliable, often I can't find a single bike within a 1km range in Sagene. The maintenance should be improved also, but this is users fault that don't report damage.
Scam. Forces you into storing your card info. If you try to remove the card info after you have payed for the product they remove your access to it and on top fail to verify it again... So now they have your money and you dont even have the product, well played Oslo!
Pretty good. I have a suggestion for an improvement of the feedback system. Some of the scooter apps have a system with stars and some common tags, after each ride, so that it is easy to give the appropriate feedback fast. Maybe this could be implemented also for the Oslo city bike app.
Oslo City Bikes have been constantly improving both the app and the actual service of city bikes. Previously poor maintenance is way better than it used to be. I also appreciate one can use them throughout the whole year now. I hope the bikes and availability will keep improving, so overall great work!
Stars are not for application but rather for the whole package/solution of Oslo City Bike.
Bikes are really old.
Mesteparten av tiden viser hverken stativer eller sykler
Export of trips would be cool. (Or just enable backup of the app...)
Old and crapy bikes :(